From Hiasobi - FHIR
Revision as of 22:19, 23 June 2016 by Brett Esler (Talk | contribs)
Medical Director IHI Tool
Manually set an IHI for a selected MD patient for testing purposes. Without the need to connect to HI Services.
Usage: mdihi <database> <instance> <patient resource id> <ihi> Example: mdihi HCN_SAMPLES server1\HCNSQL07 23 8003608233326545 Details: - samples HCN_SAMPLES - live HCN - instance name HCNSQL07 - identifies patient
Best Practice IHI Tool
Manually set an IHI for a selected BP patient for testing purposes. Without the need to connect to HI Services.
Usage: bpihi <database> <instance> <patient resource id> <ihi> Example: bpihi BPSSamples server1\BPINSTANCE 35 8003608233326542 Details: - samples: BPSSamples - live: BPSPatients - instance name: BPINSTANCE - identifies patient