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Operations are query/procedures that can be performed on the servers


Retrieve a complete patient summary as a bundle for a specific patient.
As per http://hl7.org/implement/standards/FHIR-Develop/patient-operations.html
GET [base]/Patient/[id]/$everything
  • _since : standard everything since date-time
  • _until : (custom) everything until a date-time
  • _resources : (custom) comma separated resource type list to include in summary
  • _history: (custom) history style summary with POST, PUT and DELETE information


$populate generates a QuestionnaireResponse based on the Questionnaire content and content in the clinical system.
POST [base]/Questionnaire/$populate
Implements fluent-path expressions
Supports context variables in expressions:
  • [$subject]- id of the passed in subject (or queried for desktop use)
  • [$user] - queries user context (desktop use)